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 Gore Gaming System

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-PopZ-er Atzii

Location : In Flanders Fields, Belgium
Registered : 2012-06-02
Messages : 1898

Gore Gaming System Empty
PostSubject: Gore Gaming System   Gore Gaming System EmptySun 03 Jun 2012, 04:05

These are the commands that allow the configuration and use of the Gore Game System.


Page One: Gore Commands that cause the system to perform a function.


Page Two: Variables which hold values that the system refers to


Page Three: Functions used to control User Interface Pages. These are the
basis for editing and creating custom Menus in the God files.

© 2002 4D Rulers Software, Inc.




Syntax: bind key:[command] @hold
bind s:[togglepage score]
bind r:[toggle rr]
***This command will bind a command to a key. The command will only be active
when the key has been pressed and there is no key overriding interface
page active (menu, configuration window, etc.). This is suitable for
things that switch states each time you hit the key. For showing things
only when you have the key down add the @hold option at the end of the

System Bindings:
***This command binds keys to the system keys. The following are the system keys:

forward - move player forward.
back - move player backward.
strafeleft - move player to the left.
straferight - move player to the right.
crouch - crouch the player down.
fire1 - use the first fire mode of the gun.
fire2 - use the second fire mode of the gun.
lookup - move the player vision upwards.
lookdown - move the player vision downwards.
lookright - rotate the player to the right.
lookleft - rotate the player to the left.
fast - move the player at fast speeds.
faster - move the player at the fastest available speeds.
jump - make the player jump.
nextweapon - select the next weapon.
prevweapon - select the previous weapon.
weapon0 - select weapon 0 for your weapon.
weapon1 - select weapon 1 for your weapon.
weapon2 - select weapon 2 for your weapon.
weapon3 - select weapon 3 for your weapon.
weapon4 - select weapon 4 for your weapon.
weapon5 - select weapon 5 for your weapon.
weapon6 - select weapon 6 for your weapon.
weapon7 - select weapon 7 for your weapon.
weapon8 - select weapon 8 for your weapon.
weapon9 - select weapon 9 for your weapon.
reloadweapon - the reload weapon button.
mousex - the mouse left-right movement.
mousey - the mouse up-down movement.
zoom - player weapon zoom.
menu - the menu display.
console - the console display.

To have the scores display when you hit the TAB key, and disappear when you hit it again:
bind tab:[show score] @hold
To make the forward arrow move the player forward:
bind up:[forward]


Syntax: boot userid
***This command will disconnect the user from the server. To find out the id of the player see the "users" command.


Syntax: bindclear key
bindclear c
***This command will clear all bound controls that use the Key given.


Syntax: bindclearall
***This command will clear all bound controls as well as all bound commands.
Anything bound through the menu, console, or loaded config file will be
cleared. The only exception is the menu key (escape) and the console key


Syntax: co
***This activates the client override which when connecting to a server, gives
priority to all client interface elements over that of the server.


Syntax: command commandline
***This will pass the following command line to the command interpreter for
execution. The main purpose of this is to give the user interface access
to the command interpreter. This way you can have a line in the console
that accepts user commands and then uses this function to execute it.


Syntax: connect
connect hostname
***This will connect to the currently named server in the Host value, or the name given as the connect parameter.


Syntax: dec value
***This command will try decreasing the value passed to it by one.


Syntax: disconnect
***This command will disconnect you from the current server you are connected to.


***This command will quit Gore.


Syntax: inc value
***This command will try increasing the value passed to it by one.


Syntax: load filename
***This will load a configuration file. When no filename is given it will load the last given filename.


Syntax: login password
***This command allows you to gain higher rights on a server that allows remote administration.


Syntax: map filename
map “filename fred.ss”
***This loads a new level with that name.


Syntax: qsay
***This command will bring up the quick say page (if available) so that a
message can be typed and sent to all other people connected to the game
server. If unconnected it will just echo your message to yourself.
will also record your previous messages, you can use the up and down
arrows to bring up previous messages you have typed to resend them if
needed (given you are using the right interface components).

Binding a saying to a key so that you can quickly send a message to all players is done by:
bind m:[qsay]


Syntax: quit
***This command will quit Gore.


Syntax: refreshservers
***This will clear the in game list of servers and queiries for a new list of
internet and lan servers. If lansearch is true (1) it searches on the
local network, otherwise it searches the internet.


Syntax: reset
***This command will reload settings from the "server_default.set" or
"client_default.set"(factory default), to take you back to the factory
default settings for the game. To go back to the settings after the game
is fully loaded see ResetToStart.


Syntax: restart
***This command will reload settings from the "server_default.set" or
"client_default.set"(factory default), followed by the "autoserver.cfg"
or "autoclient.cfg" to take you back to the settings you have when the
game is first loaded. To reset to the factory settings only see Reset.


Syntax: save
save filename
***This command will save your settings that are different to your
"server_default.set" or "client_default.set"(factory settings) out to
the file name you give. If no file name is given then it will default to
"autoclient.cfg" or "autoserver.cfg", which is loaded at the game start


Syntax: saveall
saveall filename
***This command will save all the configurable settings out to the file
"autoclient.cfg" or "autoserver.cfg" by default. If you give a file name
the settings will be saved there instead.


Syntax: saveauto
***This command will save all the settings different to the factory default out
to the "autoclient.cfg" or "autoserver.cfg", which is loaded upon the
game startup.


Syntax: say hello
say hello there
***This command will allow you to send a message to all players currently connected to the same game server.

Binding a saying to a key so that you can quickly send a message to all players is done by:
bind a:[say suck it down]


Syntax: setmap dm1
***This will set the next map to be used without loading straight away.


Syntax: ss
***This command will capture the current screen and save out to a file called
"goreXXX.bmp". XXX is the number of the current image which starts at
zero every time you start Gore again. To prevent filling up of your
hard-drive the numbering begins at zero every time you exit and restart

Binding a key so that you can quickly capture an image any time:
bind s:[ss]


Syntax: sdown
***This command will scroll the page downwards if the front active page is
scrollable (@MenuPage “scroll=1”. The scroll step size is determined
by the pages “scroll_vert_step”.


Syntax: sleft
***This command will scroll the page to the left if the front active page is
scrollable (@MenuPage “scroll=1”. The scroll step size is determined
by the pages “scroll_horz_step”.


Syntax: sright
***This command will scroll the page to the right if the front active page is
scrollable (@MenuPage “scroll=1”. The scroll step size is determined
by the pages “scroll_horz_step”.


Syntax: stoleft
***This command will scroll the page right to the left margin if the front active page is scrollable (@MenuPage “scroll=1”.


Syntax: stotop
***This command will scroll the page right to the top margin if the front active page is scrollable (@MenuPage “scroll=1”.


Syntax: sup
***This command will scroll the page upwards if the front active page is
scrollable (@MenuPage “scroll=1”. The scroll step size is determined
by the pages “scroll_vert_step”.


Syntax: swap value
***This will change a setting from its current state to the opposite for the
game. If you want a key that jumps back and forth from reverse rendering
modes during separate key presses you could use “bind r:[swap rr]”.


Syntax: users
***This lists the players currently connected to the server.


Syntax: ver

© 2002 4D Rulers Software, Inc.




Syntax: adminpassword #######
***This is sets the password need to gain administrator rights on the server.


Syntax: ammo0
***This value represents the amount of ammo for the first fire mode of the gun.


Syntax: ammo1
***This value represents the amount of ammo for the second fire mode of the gun.


Syntax: ammotype0
***This value represents the type of ammo for the first fire mode of the gun.


Syntax: ammotype1
***This value represents the type of ammo for the second fire mode of the gun.


Syntax: armor
***This value can be used for displaying the global armor value.


Syntax: armorbody
***This value will determine whether there is armor attached to the body.


Syntax: armorhead
***This value will determine whether there is armor attached to the head.


Syntax: armorlleg
***This value will determine whether there is armor attached to the left leg.


Syntax: armorrleg
***This value will determine whether there is armor attached to the right leg.


Syntax: autochange 1
autochange 0
***This value will turn on and off the weapon auto change feature. The auto
change feature will change a gun when you run out of ammo on the current
gun - it will try to find the next best gun to switch to.


Syntax: autopickup 1
autopickup 0
***This value will turn on and off the weapon auto pick-up feature. The auto
pick-up feature will change the gun you are using when you run over a
weapon pick-up and the weapon you have hit is better than the one you
are currently using.


Syntax: bandwidth
sets the maximum network bandwidth allowed to be used by the client or
server. Note that the value can be different for the server and the


Syntax: clearback
***This value turns on and off the outside world render black feature. This might be useful in coordination with the vislock value.


Syntax: connected
***This value is true when the client is connected to a server, false otherwise.


Syntax: deaths
***This holds the number of times you have died in battle for the last game.


Syntax: defaultmap mapname
***This will set the map name to be loaded by a client starting the server.


Syntax: devpassword #######
***This will set the password needed to gain developer rights on the server.


Syntax: driver opengl
will set the driver dll used by the renderer. This is specified in the
client_system.cfg file only, and initilizes the renderer to use that
dll. For 3dfx card owners you would set this to 3dfxogl in the
client_system.cfg. This cannot be set through the console.


Syntax: exitsave 1
***When exitsave is true, gore will save settings when the program shuts down.


Syntax: firewall
***This will set the firewall used for the client connection.


Syntax: firstperson 1
firstperson 0
value will enable or disable whether or not you are playing in first or
third person mode. To drop the camera see the “trackcam” value.


Syntax: fly 1
turns on and off flying in the level so that the player can fly around.
The server needs to allow flying to be envoked by a client.


Syntax: fov
***This changes the field of view for the player.


Syntax: fps
***This value holds the number of frames per second currently being rendered.


Syntax: fraglimit
***This holds the frag limit on the currently connected server.


Syntax: god
***This turns on and off god mode for the player. The server needs to allow god mode to be envoked by a client.


Syntax: health
***This holds the health of the player.


Syntax: healthdamage
***This is true when the player is taking damage.


Syntax: host hostname
***This value will set the name of the server that you can subsequently connect to using the command “connect”.


Syntax: invertmouse 1
invertmouse 0
***This value determines whether or not the vertical movement of the mouse is inverted.


Syntax: kills
***This contains the number of frags for the player.


Syntax: lansearch 1
***This determines where to search for Gore game servers. 1-Local Area Network, 0-Internet.


Syntax: loadname
***The name of the last config file that has been loaded.


Syntax: location
***Thenname of the location of the server. This is set to a postal code for
the states of America, and country codes for outside of America (eg. "au" for Australia).


Syntax: maxconnect
***This will set the maximum number of players allowed to connect to the server.


Syntax: milli
***This value holds the millisecond count for the game run speed.


Syntax: modelchangerules
***This controls how players can change between player types.


Syntax: mousesens 0
mousesens 10
mousesens 20
value determines how quickly the mouse moves in tune with your
movements. 0 is the minimum through to a maximum of 20 for really fast
mouse movement reactions.


Syntax: music 1
***This will set the music to either on or off. This controls the basic backing tracks added to a map.


Syntax: noclip
turns on and off no clipping on the level so that you can pass through
walls. The server needs to allow no clipping to be envoked by a client.


Syntax: password #######
***This will set the password used by the client to connect to the server.


Syntax: pickupname
***This contains the name of the last item picked up by the client.


Syntax: pickupamount
***This contains the amount of the last item the player has picked up.


Syntax: playermodel modelname
playermodel bartender
***This command will change the model being used for the player character.


Syntax: playername name
playername Fred
playername Fred Bear
***This command will change your player name to the name you specify.


Syntax: position
***This holds the current position you hold relative to other players.


Syntax: publicise 1
***When set to true (1), this displays the server on Game Browsers to attract game players.


Syntax: remoteadmin 1
***This server setting determines whether people can remotely connect to the server and administer the server.


Syntax: rendering
***This is true when the client is connected and in game.


Syntax: renderinworld
***This is true when the client is connected and in game, and the camera is within a valid world position.


Syntax: res 640x480
res 1024x768
command will change the screen dimensions if in full screen mode, or
enlarge or shrink the rendering window if in window mode. The "640x480"
part must not be separated by spaces. The command will look through the
list of available resolutions, if found it will resize the window or
screen. Otherwise the function will not change the screen size. To alter
a windows size you can bring up the menu and then with the mouse move
outside the window and then back onto the border to get the drag icon.
When you have the drag icon you can then push down and drag the window
to the size you want (the dimensions get displayed in the top left hand


Syntax: reversepan 1
reversepan 0
command will change your left and right sound channels in case they are
back the front. On is when it is reversed, Off is when it is normal.
Toggle will change from one to the other.
RR (Reverse Render)

Syntax: rr 1
rr 0
command will change the order in which the level is rendered. This is
so you can see what distance rooms are either being drawn or dropped
according to the vis calculations of the level. On is when it is reverse
rendering, Off is when it is normally rendering. Toggle will change
from one to the other. No parameter means it will only perform the
operation for the current render cycle (useful in combination with the
HoldBind command).

To show rooms being drawn in the background while only holding down the key "r":
bind r:[rr] @hold


Syntax: savename
***The name of the last config file that has been saved.


Syntax: security 1
enables or disables the server security. When the server security is
disabled then any player connected to the server can use any command.
Connection password for the server will still apply in either state.


Syntax: servername Gore Server
***The name you want to give you gore server.


Syntax: sfirewall
***This will set the firewall used for the server connection.


Syntax: score value
inc score
dec score
***This value will determine whether the scores are being displayed.


Syntax: spassword #######
***This will set the server password needed to connect to the server.


Syntax: stamina
***This value represents the player stamina level.


Syntax: stock
value represents whether the current server has a standard set of
weapons, players etc.. If this is false, then the server has
modifications that are not guaranteed or thoroughly tested. This value
cannot be modified.


Syntax: targetname
***This is the value of the last person who was in your crosshair.


Syntax: texdetail -3
texdetail 0
command will set the texture detail for the renderer. 1 is the highest
level of detail. -1, -2, and -3 provide reduced detail for better
performance. 0 is the default.


Syntax: timelimit
***This holds the time limit on the currently connected server.


Syntax: trackcam 1
trackcam 0
value will enable or disable whether or not the camera is being tracked
to the player. The track camera setting can only be changed when not in
1st person mode.


Syntax: tricount
***This value holds the number of polys currently being rendered.


Syntax: vislock 0
vislock 1
command will turns on and off the vislock. Vislock locks the polys
currently being rendering for the vantage point the player is in when it
is enabled. This allows to player to move around and inspect the vis
cut-off on polys of the level areas.


Syntax: volume 0
volume 10
***This command will sets your system volume for the game. The value ranges from 1 (no sound) to 10 (maximum volume).


Syntax: weaponammo0
***This value represents the ammo on the current weapon for mode 0.


Syntax: weaponammo1
***This value represents the ammo on the current weapon for mode 1.


Syntax: zoom 1
zoom 0
command will turn on and off the player zoom if the player is in game
(suitable for the sniper gun etc..). "enable" will zoom the player in,
"disable" will zoom the player out. “toggle” switches between the
two. No parameter means it will only be done during the current render
cycle (suitable for use with HoldBind).

To bind Z to zoom in only when it is held down:
bind z:[enable zoom] @hold

© 2002 4D Rulers Software, Inc.




Syntax: console
***This will display the console straight away.


Syntax: disable pagename
***This will disable an interface page from being active in game. To disable the targetid you would enter "disable targetid".


Syntax: enable pagename
***This will enable an interface page to be active in the game. To enabled the frame counter you would enter "enable counter".


Syntax: goto pagename
***This will close the current page display and go to the page named.


Syntax: hide pagename
***This will hide an interface object. For example “hide counter” would hide the frame counter display.


Syntax: menu
***This will display the client menu straight away, and if connected to the server it will display the server menu.


Syntax: override pagename
***This will drop all server delivered pages, removing any server interface elements.


Syntax: remove pagename
***This will remove the first page found with that name, if the page is displayed then it is hidden and removed.


Syntax: rotate pagename
will rotate the pages of the same name. So if you have 3 player dashes,
by using rotate you will be able to display the next available dash.


Syntax: show pagename
***This will show an interface object. For example “showscorepage” would display it on the screen.


Syntax: showclient pagename
will take you straight to the client menu and display it on the screen.
If there is no client menu page defined properly then nothing will be
displayed (see “clientpage” under System Page Predefines”).


Syntax: showmenu pagename
will take you straight to the server menu and display it on the screen.
If there is no server menu available it will then display the client
menu. If there is no server or client menu page defined properly then
nothing will be displayed (see “clientpage” and “serverpage”
under “System Page Predefines”).


Syntax: showserver pagename
will take you straight to the server menu and display it on the screen.
If there is no server menu page defined properly then it will try and
display the client menu page, if that is not available either it will
display nothing (see “serverpage” and “clientpage” under System
Page Predefines”).


Syntax: toggle pagename
***This will either display or hide the page named depending whether it is currently on the screen.



Syntax: toggle blackout
hide blackout
show blackout
blackout page property allows you to access the blackout page for when a
level finishes and you want to display a bunch of level options. You
can either show, hide, or modify it. This is also used in the system.god
and clientsystem.god to identify the blackout page for customised
blackout page.


Syntax: toggle chr
hide chr
show chr
chr page property allows you to access the character selection page so
you can either show, hide or modify it. This is also used in the
system.god and clientsystem.god to identify a character selection page.


Syntax: toggle client
hide client
show client
client property allows you to access the client menu display so you can
either show, hide or modify it. This is also used in the system.god and
clientsystem.god to identify a menu page as being the main client menu


Syntax: toggle counter
hide counter
show counter
counter page property allows you to access the frame counter displayed
so you can either show, hide, or modify it. This is also used in the
system.god and clientsystem.god to identify the fps page for a
customised frame counter.


Syntax: toggle crosshair
hide crosshair
show crosshair
crosshair property allows you to access the cross hair displayed so you
can either show, hide, or modify it. This is also used in the
system.god and clientsystem.god to identify the cross hair page for
customised cross-hairs.


Syntax: toggle dash
hide dash
show dash
dash page property allows you to access the dash displayed (on the
bottom of the screen with the health, armour and ammo counters) so you
can either show, hide, or modify it. This is also used in the system.god
and clientsystem.god to identify the dash page for a customised dash.


Syntax: toggle input
hide input
show input
input page property allows you to access the console display so you can
either show, hide or modify it. This is also used in the system.god and
clientsystem.god to identify the console page for console


Syntax: toggle messenger
hide messenger
show messenger
messenger property allows you to access the message scroll display
(displays incoming messages and console feed-back at the top of your
screen by default) so you can either show, hide, or modify it. This is
also used in the system.god and clientsystem.god to identify the message
page for a customised message scroll display.


Syntax: toggle score
hide score
show score
score page property allows you to access the score board display so you
can either show, hide, or modify it. This is also used in the
system.god and clientsystem.god to identify the score page for a
customised score board.


Syntax: toggle server
hide server
show server
server page property allows you to access the server menu display so
you can either show, hide or modify it. This is also used in the
system.god and clientsystem.god to identify a menu page as being the
main server menu page.


Syntax: toggle targetid
hide targetid
show targetid
***The targetid page property allows you to access the target id display so
you can either show, hide, or modify it. This is also used in the
system.god and clientsystem.god to identify the target id page for
customised target id action.


Syntax: toggle vote
hide vote
show vote
***The vote page property allows you to access the voting page for when a
level finishes and you want to display a bunch of level options. You can
either show, hide, or modify it. This is also used in the system.god
and clientsystem.god to identify the voting page for customised voting

© 2002 4D Rulers Software, Inc.
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